

Weekend yg MASYUUUKKK..!

herm..bcoz of de nuzul Alquran...cti pde mggu neyh jdi cm lme gilew...
dri jumaat cntinue..smpi merka2 yg xde class isnin..
agak msyuk a..sbb direct smpi 31 kot..5 ari cuti..herm..
tp aku..3 ari jerp..tomoro i have a class..
byk kot yg nk2 dcite oliday 3 ari neyhh
..k2..stat day by day keyh..

~~1st day (Jumaat:Bangi-Somban-Pd) ~~
1st oliday..pgi2 ag da gerak g uma fara..kt PD stand for Port Dickson ye kwn2..:)..
sejam jerp..smpi suda dri bangi kew somban..
sbb sblm g Pd..dlm plak mau ronde somban dulu..
wah..kire mcm adventure gile kot nk2 g sne..sbb aku xtau jln..
smpi kn aku sesat ntah kemane2 nk2 nges pon ade..
gelabah alam kol 'dyew' n fara..uhh..
hnye disbbkn xjumpe park kt TERMINAL 1 tuh..
akuh ley g smpi kt ospital wane pepel kt somban..xtau a ospital pew..
'dyew' ckp tu ospital 'tettt'..ahh.. xkesh a..
yg pnting..smpi..coz fara soh aku tggu iye kt situ..then..
fara smpi
m gilax jugak kitowng meronde..
excited terlbey lme x jumpe..hahah
mcm x pose pon ade..time x pose pon x lew ronde cmtuh skali kot..
skali enjot 3 mall g..Carefour,JayaJusco ngan Parkson..

sakan kut saving terbaek..
hahaha..ptg..buke kt! tp siyes pnt gileww mlm tuh..tido awal kot ....

~~2nd day (Sabtu: Pd-Melaka-Pd)~~
dri mlm si fara neyh dok kusot pk jln nk2 g mlake..
hahaha..abes sume mak,adeq,ayah
,adeq ipau sume dye g tnye..
smate2 nk2 tau way kt melake tuh..
hahah..last2 ngan berni
towng enjot jgak g mlake ptg tuh..
dgn gne GPS yg asek sebot " use signboard!"..
power kot GPS
1st g uitm lendu..amek adeq ipau fara...sbb adeq dye neyhh jerp yg ade
tok guide kitowng..ha..x keshla..kitowang just lepak2 kt alor gajah nyew area..
g jusco melake yg bru tuh..then smpi mlm
..shuppink x bpe nk2 sakan..sbb smlm da
over limit..hahahah..keshian..mkn a
ti kot..sbb window shopping jerp..hahaha
then bukew time..mkn kat food court tesco jerp..:)

sdap uhh sizzling mee tggu buke..komik dulu! heeheh..

~~3rd oliday (Ahad suda : Pd-BANGI)~~
herm..going back to BANGI...he
rm..pgi2 da gerak kut..herm
tp..ntah ape yg cm excited no nk blek pon xtau..pdhal xde spe pon kt cneyhh..
sume blm blek dri rantawan..heheh..
last2 aku pjok2 soh 'dyew' b
lek rini jgak..smate2 nk2 ade teman..haha..
sje jerp aku neyh nyusahkn owg..heheh..

oliday yg sgt2 best kut..n dpt free gift dri fara..cumel glax!!

aku skew! cumel la..lgi2 cwan tuh..ade kaler biru..sgt semat! :)

uhh...lgi bpew ari jerk kot nk2 raye..spnjg aku oliday neyhh..dok drive..
dgo lgu raye x cye pon ade gak da nk2 je pose..
ke'excited'an aku nk2 blek lgi la..hahah..
dlm byk2 lagu raye..lagu neyh a pling feel je dengo..:)..i likeee..

wahh..x sbo kot nk2 blek raye!..2 mggu tuh cti..yebba2~~..
hehehe..but..sblm tuh..aku ade lgi 2 paper..
okai.. wish me luck yerp! :)

3 ckp banyak!:

g.e.w.l.s.t.u.d.e.n.t said...

hahahahaha....sengal....bahahaha....aku tau ko ske wane bru tu sbb aku bg ko bru..hahahhaha...lme da tau aku smpan brg tuh..dr present dlo ritu ag...hahahaha...

g.e.w.l.s.t.u.d.e.n.t said...

adik ipo jdah nye...lmbat ag kot...hahahaha////

+faten+ said...

acehh..hahaha..xnk ngaku..hahaha...:mj

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