


EASY to SAY..but..HARD to DO..eceyh! sepekeng LONDON plak!.. :) tp..its reality kn.....knp?
knp??SOSAH bebeno la..kite nk respect org...ok..mayb pde old timer tuh..mayb kite senang nk bg TERBIT nafsu respect mmber2 koang agak2 koang respect x? ade x?? x byk..cket pon jdi la..sptotnye..diowang la yg ptot koang respect jgak..tau??

hishh..kdg2 mulot kite men jgn ikot sdp ckp je..ayat2 or pkataan2 pedas korang tuh..kne pk..pew igt sume org bley trima ape korang ckp..ak pon kenkadang lebey beransor untok tobat hasil nasehat :)

mayb pd koang..alah..da biase dye neyh aku ckp kasar..igt laen ade ati..lme2 owg fade up ngan koang kalo cmtuh..tmbah plak..bile..koang wat org ble koang kne bahan sket..amek! taceng lelebey..nyampah mak!! jgn..KERANA MOLOT..BADAN BINASO.. :D aishh..

eh2..dahh..ok2..antara keTAK"RESPECT"an korang kn..

1) Mmber koang tgh tdo..g tune volume lagu tuh..perkhh!! x hengat..igt disco ke ape?? RESPECT sket der!

2 ) Member korang tgh skype dgn boyfie diorang ke..nenek diorang ke..aci diorang ke..korang pon..semak la kt blakang or dan2 la nk tnye la..apela..
RESPECT la sket der!

3) Tgk movie..bka..mcm kt wayang..padahal nk tgk sorang je..apekejadah nye!pekak ke pew?
RESPECT laaa der!

4) Owg tgh solat ke ngaji ke..neyh ak pleng pantang! dan2 ko menyanyi la..nk begurau senda la..nk kluar kn lawak bangang korang..hoi! x pk! xde owg yg bley khusyuk solat kalo dok memekak cmtuh!

RESPECT laaaaaaaaaa der!

eh2..emo plak! oppsss..tpi..lebey kuang la kn...tnde koang x respect..cube la pk..agak2 kalo koang kne balek cmtuh..agak2 suke? hishh..kalo suke..xtau la den nak ckp apo.. :D
try to RESPECT others ok! x rugi pon.. :)

p/s :: hrini problem gune mozilla n google opera..btw..tq JALUT!


Google+ vs Facebook..

hye! lme x hupdate..kan..mest koang rindu ak kn..eceyh! :D herm..mcm biase on9 pepagi..then ttbe tgk n bc psl Googleplus (google+) la sket2..n tgk..owh ok..sjenis laman sensawang..mcm fb skang limited test kalo koang nk diowng invite..bley try kt SINI.. hemm..fill up koang nye 1st name ngan emel..okeyh! kot la ttbe diowang invite..ley share x google+.. :)

p/s :: maken sonokla aku m'hadap lappy :D

Happy Father's Day..

Happy Father's Day but i'm not calling my dad hari bapa..but HARI ABAH..hari2 is hari abah..lebiu En.Mohd Hamdan..:) thanx abah for everything that u hve done for me..:)
dri dulu..i've a dream that i will find someone like abah to be my EN.SUAMI...owh....ok..i think i already get him..alhamdulillah.. thanx Allah..n u too dear!..:)

P/S :: lebiubiu.. :)


Blog that will be hacked? ah! skang neyh kecoh2 psl hackers2 yg berleluase..xtau plak pon kne tempias dye..uh..ok..korang bley cek..either blog korang ade ke x dlm LIST NEYH..
Ctrl+F ok nk search..

ade?? kalo ade beware..kalo xde pon..korang jgn bajek diowang xley wat kt blog the best way is..change ur pasword ok..tukarlah pde yg plik2..yg agak susah org nk detect ok.. :)

p/s :: get from HERE. :)

You got me!

dear..songs for u.. :) my heart is filled with u.. :)

Oh, I just can't get enough

Find my stoup I need to fill me up
It feels so good it must be love
I give up. I give in. I let go. Let's begin.
Cause no matter what I do
Oh, I just can't get enough
Find my stoup I need to fill me up
It feels so good it musIt's everything that I've been dreaming of.t be love
I give up. I give in. I let go. Let's begin.
Cause no matter what I do, heart is filled with you.

lebiu biu..! imysm.. :)

p/s : sorry for everything.. :)


Chewing wing gum..

chewing gum! mende alah neyh..spe x pernah makn..aku xtau la nk ckp cane..kesian pon ak x bg tau mkn mende alah neyh..sbb! TAKOT TERTELAN..nmpk sgt kn dulu kecik2 aku bengong. :D tp dak2 skang..kecik2..lex je mkn chewing gum..yeah! igt lgi?? gegula getah neyh.dulu bpe sen ek...xigt doplosen lebey kuang cmtuh la kot..chewing gum neyh wajib bli balek skolah agame n bile blek kmpg..sbb..dpn umah atok..kedai runcit! :)
dis one? igt ag? herm..yg neyh aku ase dlm 30sen.sbb mahal cket..aku konpom igt. :D dulu tigaposen mahal der.. :D n ske bli grape! dye bulat2 dlm dye..ade 3 butir kalau x silap.. :D

bubble gum pleng best! tp mahal jgak neyh..1 je da seposen..yg laen dpt bnyk..neyh sebutir seposen..uhh..mahal2.. :D yg best nye..chewing gum neyh ade mcm pic kartun2 blakang dye...mcm sticker..basahkn cket tgn..then gosok2..tadaa! lekat kt tgn kartunnye..then balek..kne marah! yes pdan muke! n best nye chewing gum neyh..dye bley wat cmneyh..

haa..x sume owg bley wat tau..dulu la..tyme hingos2an..kire kalau dpt buat pleng besau tuh..pleng power ah.. :D tiga2 chewing gum neyh mcm da susah nk jumpe skang..uh..kalau dulu senang benau nk dpt..n opkos..tiga2 neyh senang2 je ak bley dpt kt kdi dpan sekolah agame skang mkcik tuh da ttp kedai dah.... :D

sekarang..dah ade mcm2..n plek2 dah chewing gum..pjg..pendek..petak..
sume ade..n kalau kt kreta ak wajib ade chewing gum neyh! :) wajib ok.teman kalau drive sensoang n ngantok.neyh la dye..
tp neyh aku cekau kt abg google.. :) yg kt keta lebey kuang bottle cmneyh la...

hishh..jgn igt kunyah chewing gum neyh..xde pekdah tau! bg manusia2 mcm ak yg suke bebeno ngunyah makanan..dri dok ngunyah mcm2..bek koang kunyah neyh..bley gak diet...xcye? ce try! :)

p/s : much better kalau chewing gum sugar free..:)
kjp bubble gum, chewing gum.oloh.lebey kuang je lah..:D



huh! segala penat peluh mucuk macam ak tggu mende alah neyh..habis suda.. :D akhirnya...da x ngidam dah tau..hermm..da dpt..rase? jp la..awal ag nk cte.. :D ak order mende alah neyh kt Cikmin Macaroon mcroon cikmin da pemes rasenye...tmbah2 lgi haritu cikmin yg buatkn mcroon luv2 untok hantaran abg nara..abg nara tuh...yg..bizz2 buzz! eh.bkn..yg beautipulnara lahh..herm nk try p la order kt cikmin..murah..siyes x tpu..kalau nk compare dgn org laen la sbb cikmin nye mcroon..surface dye cntekk je..smooth je..... :)

besarkn kotak dye..nyway..timekseh gdex! tp yg x best..gdex kt cneyh..kne amek sndri..[sigh]

yeahh! tuddiaa..hermm..:) kotak besar..sbb byk sotkabo tuh untok avoid mcroon neyh pecah..mmg pon..sbb luar dye mcm rapuh sket..cntek kn..kaler2..mcm biase..ternode tgk yg biruu! :)

huu..pde ak..ok lah kot..bley la..n SESUAI sensangat pade insan yg suke mkn cokelat or mende manis2..ak kureng sket a..sbb ak da lme puase cokelat..bkn xnk mkn..mmg xboley! :D so..bile ak try td...owh..ak pning+mual suda[gedix].. :D siyes! sme mcm bile aku mkn cklat ..hermm..aku just bley gtau..mcm cikmin salu ckp..laen org..laen tekaknye..:) so ape kate korang plak try! :)

next tyme nk try neyh plak lah! :D popcake! :D

p/s :: jgn lah korang jdi mcm ak.da tau xmkn mnis.
tp galak lg nk try yg manis2. tq.



owhh..owh..owh! x smua org suke couple jrak jaoh kn? kn ? kn? yg suke tuh pon..mest mcm...ade la jgak yg dye x brp nk rela..huu..mende bkn dpn mate der..susah nk jg..ibarat mcm bela kucing..huuu..hari2 tgk..hadap..tbe2 kne g study jaoh..uh..mest rindu kannn...haih!
neyh! DR.FATEN nk bg tips kt uoolss n untok dr.faten jgak neyh....n sume neyh hsil dri dr dr.faten 'search' about 'Tips Cinta Jarak Jauh' [ecceyh!]

1. Trust him/her.
The most IMPORTANT thing is TRUSTING! yup.standard kalau cpl..kalau mende tuh xde? abes la..hermm..keep trusting ok..herm..xmo sangka2 yg baek2 je..[kemaen!]kdg2..kalau dah rindu gle babeng..mule lah..habes sume..pdhl owg tuh mkn je..sume nk sebok amek tau..dpt point gado..haishh..amit2..xmo2..xmo gado2 dr.faten..i'm trust him..but I DONT TRUST others! ..ha..cammano ha gtuh..? :D..

2. Loyalty.
Yup.KESETIAAN..kite nk owg stia ngan need be like that 1st..ok..even dye xtau..but the ONLY ONE tuh tau..Dia tau semuanya..nk tpu last cpl korang mest tau.. :)

3. Meet him/her even just for a while.
hermm..GRAB! amek peluang yg ade..if ade holiday ke..ape ke..untok date! :) bkn mest tgk wayang la..bla bla about korang2 nye r/ about ape yg dye buat..korang buat tyme jaoh..make something yg x bosan..n hbisknla mse yg x sbrp tuh dgn seelok2nya.. :)

4. Tanyalah khabar..
Hye! how are u? eceyh! kn..herm.. :) intro2..lebey kurang cmtula..skang zmn da mden.dulu.tyme2 mcm dokter dulu "lebiu2 monkey" gne fon rumah je.ckp bulan bil dtg.kne bebel! [yeah]! now da maju.xde fon? skype ade..ym ade..up sket..fon 3g..huu..mcm2 ada. :D tggl nk ngan xnk je..jgn ckp TAK BOLEH selagi kite TAK CUBE :)

huh! okai..done! keep trying tau bg anyone yg CJJ! [Couple Jarak Jauh] or [Cinta Jarak Jauh]..gudluck! doakn dr.faten jgak! :)

p/s :: i need to be strong to..mentality..insyaAllah..:)


Hana Tajima??

fuhhhh..fuhh..OMG..OMG..bersawang nyawang sudah blog neyh..hermm..ok.nk update la neyh.. :) semalam..AHAD..unplanned..p jln2 johor..ngn pkwe bru..haip! bukan..ngan family lah!..hermm..xde pe pon yg best..biase je..jln2..then..perkra WAJIB ble g jb..SIZZLING MEE yg HOT PLATE tuh.. ok..sedang menikmati juadah ddpn mate..

abg : long..ko xnk ke pkai tudong yg mcm owg pkai tuh..tudong yg mcm letak je kt pale tuh..
s : tudong mende? owh.yg mcm hana tajima tuh ke..
abg : hana tajima tuh ape? [smbil dgelakkn oleh adek ppuan aku] ala..yg mcm bdeo ko share kt fb...[bdeo hana tajima lah tu ngek!]
s : tu ler hana tajima..haishh..
abg : ko try la pkai..cantek weyh..
s : erk!

hoi..dye tuh da cantekk..opkos la pkai ape pon jdi nk pkai cmtuh..aku yg pkai tudong sarong neyh pon berejam nk siap..agak kalo pkai tdong tuh..adoi..kesian..kesian..kesian kt bie tggu nnt.. :P elok ade mood bie nk bwk jln2..kang tros xde mud..huhu..tggu la weyh..tggu aku smpi seru nk pkai tdong tu..the most important thing bg aku is SELESA..pkai pelik2..aku x selesa..x syok gak..kang ade je yg x kne..but now..cmneyh je la.. ape yg ade..:)

yang cmneyh kot adek aku soh pkai..haishh.

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